Your skin is an organ just like any other in your body and because it is your protection against the world it is vital you take care of it more than any other. Most people neglect taking care of their skin, more so men than women, but there are some sensible easy to follow tips that will keep your skin healthy that will not cost you an arm and a leg.

Healthy skin is really one of the most important ingredients for beauty-enhancement and when your skin is well cared for you will not only look good but feel great as well. Consider these sensible tips and guides to young healthy looking skin.

1. You should know your skin type in order to care for it properly. This is vital because not every type skin care product suits everyone. When you buy skin care products you will see that they are formulated to treat different types of skin. You may have dry skin, sensitive skin, or rough skin so make sure to purchase the right type of skin care product.

2. You should try and drink at least 8 glasses of water every day. This is crucial to good health in more ways than one. Doing so will not only keep your skin moist and supple but will help in overall upkeep of your health. It might seem a bit awkward to do so but water in any form is good so if you prefer fruit juices or alternatives this is just as sensible. Make it a habit if drinking enough water or liquids every day without exception.

3. Cleanse your skin regularly with the right type of products that suit your skin as mentioned above. Once in the morning and before retiring is good (1 or 2 times everyday). Your skin is exposed to pollution and harsh elements everyday and you need to revitalize it by cleansing. Use any of the different cleansing products on the market with Luke warm water. Too hot or too cold water is harmful to your skin. If you do like hot baths add skin oils to the water or bath salts that are skin care related.

4. Always be gentle when taking care of your skin. Never scrub or exfoliate too hard or too often. Sometimes your skin also needs a break from too many creams, make ups, or other skin care and cleansing products, Skip one day a week and use nothing on your skin. When you dio use skin care products also try not to overdo it.

5. Keep your skin moist and hydrated at all times. This is most important when it comes to skin care. Dryness causes the outer layer of your skin to break and flake more, and this results in chapped and rough skin. Use skin care products like moisturizers/ hydrating creams. After you have bathed or showered then apply a moisturizer before your skin is completely dry.

6. Try and Avoid the use of harsh soaps on your face and neck. Normal cleaning soaps should only be used from below the neck. You should use quality skin care cleansing for the rest of your body as well like herbal soaps or skin care gels.

7. When you are outdoors or vacations use sunscreen to protect yourself from the sun’s harmful UV radiations. Tanning is dangerous without sunscreens and can lead to skin cancers. During the day use moisturizers that have sunscreen built into them where possible. Use them even when it’s cloudy because there are still UV rays coming through.

8. This may sound odd as a skin care tip, but regular exercise and good sleep are essential too, not just for skin care but for your health as a whole. The lack of sleep can lead to the formation of wrinkles and blackness below your eyes. In addition to this a lack of exercise can cause your skin to slacken and sag. Stress is not good for skin so exercise and sufficient sleep being a good reliever of stress lead to healthy looking skin.

9. Treat skin problems as soon as you notice any. Consult your dermatologist or doctor if you discover something out of the ordinary. Serious problems can be prevented if you catch them in time.

10. Beat the stress of modern living. The harmful effects of stress are well known to everyone but few people realize that there are easy ways to beat stress. Simple relaxation in a hot bath; regular get aways even for a weekend, relaxing with friends and family, is just a few examples of ways to relieve stress. Good health and relaxation result in a radiant looking supple skin.